hello, world.
it’s so nice to see u here.
the truth is, i’ve been dreaming about starting a blog forever and today I’m making that dream come true. i’m so happy ur part of this inaugural post, and I’m SO excited about what is to come over here - I have so many cool and fun and dreamy things to share with u! from lofi pop songs to immersive imagery to digital soundbaths, futuristic music production techniques, studio show & tell and even my experiments creating experiences in the metaverse (helloooo Roblox friends!!) I’ve been collecting ideas, experiments and sonic treats that I continue to stare at and think…’this *thing/song/idea* is pretty cool - why don’t I share it??’
but so far, i haven’t.
the truth is, I’ve been a little scared. the past couple years have been a seismic shift for me, my friends - and probably u too. in 2020 my world went from ever-expanding and full of new friends, experiences and global adventures - to intimate and small, immersive and liminal. I went from living a bicoastal lifestyle between Toronto and LA, touring the world from stadiums in Canada to rooftop museums in Tokyo…to living in a small log cabin in the woods of northern Ontario, surrounded by lakes, rivers, wildlife, and my closest friends and family.
my whole life changed. and so did my dreams.
don’t worry tho - I am not going to dwell on the past. but I also don’t want to minimize the impact of what we’ve been through. the fact is that while so much of our world looks “back to normal” - for us sensitive to the feels of the moment, an underlying sensation that “it just feels different” is everywhere.
I’m choosing this moment to start webcandy bc we all need some sweetness in our lives. because I also feel like there is a chill in the air (metaphorically and physically) and I want to make sure ur ok. I have been a musician my whole life, and sound is my love language. one of the reasons I love what I do so much is that as a songwriter, musician and producer I have some incredible tools of transformation at my fingertips. even though I have been playing violin since the age of 4 and making music ever since, I don’t think I truly appreciated it until now. I have experienced the true power of music to turn pain, loneliness and longing into a beautiful, dreamlike space for us to step into, in which we are all cozy, safe and comforted.
my goal with webcandy is not only to delight u with lofi lullabies, ear cuddles, and creative inspiration - but also to share my tools of transformation with you in the hopes u can also open up ur own personal dreamworld - and one day, when ur ready, share it with us.
so until soon, my dreamies - stay tuned, and I’ll be back with u soon with something fun and new.